Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

We are home from our romantic weekend, and it could not have been more wonderful! We had no plans, no demands of our time, no questions being asked, and nobody around except for the two of us. I have never felt more relaxed in my entire life.

We did leave the cabin a few times. We went out for both breakfast and dinner, and we also went hiking at Old Man's Cave. The weather was crisp, fall leaves covered the ground, and it was the ultimate Autumn experience. I even picked up some fall foliage to use in a Thanksgiving sign that Emma and I will be making this week. After we hiked, my wonderful husband took me antiquing before we headed back to the cabin to watch the a little football.

The cabin was made of real wood, and the entire thing was heated by a little fireplace. The bed was upstairs in a loft, and the blankets were cozy homemade quilts. We slept like babies! Not our babies, because they don't sleep through the night, and we most certainly did. We slept like good babies. I love Boss all of the time, but sometimes I forget to show him. So this weekend was perfect for reconnecting and falling in love.

However, before you begin to think my life too perfect, remember that what goes up, must come down. We left our weekend together most definitely up, but we were quickly brought back down to the reality of life. We picked our girls up from Boss' parent's house and they fussed the entire way home. Then we were greeted by our four foster girls who had all managed to get themselves in trouble for smoking during the weekend. It took me two hours to claim all of their lighters and hand out consequences. Monday was a school holiday, so everyone stayed home, and by eight in the morning, I was standing at the sink washing dishes when Boss said, Remember when we went on vacation, just the two of us, a long time ago? And I just laughed, because what goes up must come down. But the good news is that things will go up again. This stage in our lives is teaching me to cherish the special moments, when time stands still, so I can recall them in my mind when life gets hectic around me. And up or down, it doesn't matter. Because we are doing this thing called life, together. Blessings abound.

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