Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have always been blessed with good friends. I was never the most popular during my grade school years, but I always had at least one special friend, if not more, to share my days with. I remember a particular group of girls during my preschool days and a particular group as well, during elementary. I always enjoyed getting together and being a part of girl scouts, etc.


I found my first best friend in junior high. Her name was Sarah Larkin  and she was my saving grace during those dreadful years. We slept over ALL THE TIME, crushed on boys together, and it was with her that my love of Sonic Vanilla Cokes and country music began. Once we stayed up ALL night long listening for George Straight's song They Call Me The Fireman, to come on the radio, so that we could win tickets to his concert. I am not quite sure when or why our friendship faded, but eventually we each went our separate ways. However I recently hooked back up with her on, and it has been such fun peeking in on her life!


In high school came Lauren. Lauren was the best friend a girl could have. Sometimes, it felt like we shared a heart. She always knew what I was thinking and she was always there to listen. She made me a better person, dressed me up for my very FIRST DATE, let me cry when I got dumped for the very first time, and was my maid of honor at my wedding. We are kindred spirits and I LOVE her! When we went to different colleges we drifted apart, but every so often we email or call, and it is as if no time has passed at all.


In college I had so many great girlfriends! There was always someone to go shopping with or to share my heart with. There are really too many to name, but I was never lonely, and college was a great time in my life. I sometimes wish I hadn't been so desperate to grow up, and had enjoyed my time there a bit longer before heading off to the land of adulthood.

After I got married, things changed, as they should, and the girlfriends seemed to thin out. Boss and I moved away the first month that we were married and truly began our life together all on our own. We didn't make many friends during that first year of marriage, but I was never lonely. Spending my days with Boss was enough. We truly became each other's best friend.

However, during the second year of marriage, I began to long for girlfriends once more. I would get together with some girls from church every once in a while, but that was about it. I really started feeling down, and began praying that God would send a special friend my way. I wanted to share my heart with someone who was in the same stage of life that I was in... young motherhood, newly married, no money. I wanted someone that just UNDERSTOOD the stresses and joys that those first few years of building a life together bring. After months of praying, God didn't bring me one great friend, he brought me two! And both of them lived on either side of me just a stone's throw away!


I met Angie and Kristin (pictured above) while houseparenting at ACCH. We were all the same age, we had all been married for the same amount of time, and we all understood the stress of the mission field we were in. Angie is a mama three times over (three in three years), and Kristin is the proud mama of one little angel. We had great times eating at Dion's, drinking sweet tea while watching the kids slide on the front porch, and sharing our hearts about our families, husbands and futures. While the working environment was not the best, and I know we all had to move on, sometimes I miss those two women so much that it hurts! They are strong Christian women and they make me want to be a better wife and mama. Everyone needs friends like them. How I wish we still lived by each other, so that we could enjoy being mamas together and so our kids could be great friends.

This brings me to where I am now. We have lived in Ohio for over a year, and I have yet to find a kindred spirit. I love everything about the life we are building here except for that. I imagine we will be here for quite some time, but I can't imagine raising my family without girlfriends close by! I miss having someone to call at a moments notice to grab lunch when I'm having a bad day. I miss having someone to ask to watch my kids if an emergency arises. I miss Boss and I going out with couple friends. I miss my friends! I am praying that God would bring me a friend here, and I am trying to have patience as I wait. It is simply more fun to walk this road we call life, with girlfriends by our side.

So here's to girlfriends, both old and new. My world is better because of you.


Ryan and Angie said...

Tears, tears, tears! That is what I am in right now. I would drop everything and move next to you in a heartbeat if I could. I am so tired, stressed and without a true girlfriend where I am too. I love you and am not the same without you nextdoor. Maybe oneday. I will continue to work on Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Hey, that concert was the best ever! I always missed you so much, and I couldn't be happier that we've found each other again. I've fallen in love with your family, and I always show you guys off to my family whenever you post new pictures. Everyone here misses you too! I hope we get to visit in person again someday, even better - someday soon!

Ryan and Angie said...

I put some bowling video on our blog!! Yes, I actually updated it(I know what you are thinking)