My caseworker told the potential birth mom and her counselor that we were interested last Friday. Apparently they were tickled pink that Boss and I were interested, and they would like to move forward with the next step. My caseworker has proposed that he meet with the birth mom and the counselor next week, so that he might explain to them how the process would work, show her our family picture and tell her a little bit about us, and to get to know as much of the birth mom's story that she is willing to share. He also wants to get a feel for how serious she seems about all of this. I want to know if adoption is completely her decision, or if the counselor is only encouraging her to make that choice.
If they like what they hear about us, and my counselor has a good feeling about the birth mom, then we will move forward, perhaps with a phone call or an actual meeting in the next couple of weeks.! I am trying very hard to keep clear head about all of this. This is the very beginning of our adoption story and I know that the journey could take many twists and turns, the plot could thicken at any time, and that it could very well be filled with lots of tears and drama. The part that keeps me sane is praying for the happy ending.
So, we will wait and see. In the mean time, I have paperwork to complete, and I still have the problem of a mushy brain. Boss has taken the girls to his parents for a few days, so perhaps I will get something accomplished between counseling appointments, family visits, and hanging out with the big girls. Thank you for taking the time to check in.
1 comment:
I am so excited for you! I hope it all works out. I can't wait to hear all the details. If you don't want to post because of privacey, email me :)
Love, Paula
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