Today is Saturday, And we stayed home ALL day long. It was bliss! I didn't even get dressed, or put on a lick of make-up. Usually staying home all day makes me feel all antsy inside. Like there is life to be lived, and I am missing out on it. But today I decided to focus on the life that is going on inside the walls of this house. Since I stayed up way too late playing Dominoes last night, Boss let me sleep in and he got all of the residents up and off to their family visits. We only had one resident home today, and I made her sit on her bum and watch movies ALL day long. You might think that is torture, but let's remember that she is a teenager. They tend to really dig television. And this particular teenager just got out of nearly three weeks in jail, so I am pretty sure she was thankful for that TV time today. Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes. I slept in. And then I took a bath. After I was all nice and clean, Emma and I had yogurt, strawberries, and granola for breakfast. We are the only two in this house who like sleeping in, so we often find ourselves having breakfast together long after everyone else. Emma is a girl after my own heart. After breakfast, Boss worked in the yard. He did all kinds of manly things like mow, edge, pull out bushes filled with poison ivy, pull dead branches off of trees, and sweep. He also painted the cute little bench in my living room a nice "fall" orange. Or maybe I should say "autumn" orange. That sounds nicer. It looks great! My house looks so cozy, and just in time for fall, too. Or should I say Autumn? All we need now are baseboards and a nice area rug for our living room. The to-do/to-buy list is never ending these days. While Boss worked outside, I did the dishes, cleaned out a box in our bathroom, washed our sheets (really, it's just embarrassing how long it's been since I have done that), and refereed some sisterly squabbles, All the while, Mister Man was rocking away in his swing, and the squabbling sisters were playing Big Sister/Little Sister (they are so imaginative and original it's crazy) in the basement.
After a lunch of frozen pizza's (call me Betty Crocker), Boss went back out to do more yard work, the teenager went back to the television, Mister Man went into his bumbo, and Emma and I played a game or two of checkers. Kate was my helper. Somewhere along the way, our family acquired one of those old rug checker boards with those huge, round checker pieces. Like they have at cracker barrel. We love it! After checkers, Kate went to take a nap and Emma asked if she could get a head start on her new math workbook. She is a girl after my own heart, except for when it comes to math :). While Emma did math, I re tackled lesson plans, this time with a book with much larger squares. Did this OCD heart good! I actually got our first month planned out, and I feel pretty good about it.
For dinner it was sandwiches, chips, fruit, and milk. Did anyone besides me just realize that means we did not consume any vegetables here in the Zickafoose Zoo today? No? Oh, well. After dinner it started raining, so Boss, Mister Man, and I sat on the front porch rockers and watched it rain. Then we bathed all of the children and had them in bed by ten. It was a really good Stay-At-Home Saturday. Maybe we should try it more often.
1 comment:
In the interest of complete and full disclosure, this post should have began as..."A wise and brilliant friend has often tried to persuade me of the beauty of a Stay-At-Home....
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