Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Whew! It has been a long three days! However, the days have been pretty delicious, as far as days go. On Sunday night I stayed up w-A-y too late looking on Etsy at baby clothes and hats. It makes me want to have dozens of children so I can dress them all in those tiny, precious hats. Delicious. And, I have no doubt that if I were a millionaire I would give some of my money to charity and the rest of it would go to Etsy. Just sayin'. But alas, I am not a millionaire. But I do have a wonderful friend that sews! I have already requested that she make me some of those delicious little boy onesies with the ties appliqued on. I am envisioning a photo shoot with Mister Man wearing his little onesie featuring a tie with fall colors on it, sitting on my delicious orange bench in the middle of the lane. Pure deliciousness! Okay, enough about Etsy and delicious baby hats and clothes.

On Monday my parents took all of the littles to ballet lessons for the day so that I could have a delicious few hours to myself. It was much needed! First on my agenda? An hour nap in my new king sized bed. Delicious. There is just something special about getting to close your eyes in the middle of the day. Next up? A delicious bubble bath. After that I went out to run errands and got my first hot drink from Starbucks for the season. Caramel Apple Spice. Delicious. Then I went to Target. My favorite store on the planet. I could seriously go there every. single. day and never get tired of walking the aisles. I bought my children matching outfits for pictures in the pumpkin patch this fall season. They will look sweet, and adorable, and delicious, I have no doubt. Then I came home to delicious hugs and kisses from my littles. And that night for supper? Boss made his super yummo chili. Our first pot of the season. While some do not care for this dish (he makes it with more of a sweet/tangy/barbeque sauce) in our home it is a family favorite. Add some cheese, sour cream, and fritos and you have a bowl of pure deliciousness. It was a deliciouss day to be sure.

Yesterday, however, was not so delicious. We got a call late Monday night that Boss's dad, our Papaw, had had a heart attack and was not doing well. So yesterday we loaded up the sheep (our she jeep) and drove to spend the day at the hospital. Papaw had a procedure today, and it seems to be helping. He now has a stint in all four of his arteries, I believe. We hope he gets better soon. So while yesterday could have been long and tiresome, and we all could have been cranky, we decided to focus on the delicious aspects of the day, instead. For one, we got to make the drive to Boss's parents town an hour away. With the leaves starting to change, it is one of my most favorite drives. It is deliciously beautiful, and with all of the tickle bumps (that's what my little girls call the hills) thrown in it was just about perfect. Another delicious detail? Because of Papaw's surgery, Boss got an unexpected day off from work, and we spent the entire day together as a family of five. That is always delicious to me. And then Emma and I finished the day with our Tuesday night delicious Duggar Date.

And today is turning out to be just as delicious! I actually had to turn the heat on (just for a tiny bit this morning) to take the chill out of the main level of the house so that we could school. The first heat of the season is delicious to me. Then we schooled at the table and snacked on bagels and apple butter for lunch. Homeschooling and apple butter are incredibly delicious. And baby boy has been napping for over three hours now. That is delicious with a capitol D. Happy Wednesday, friends. Determine to make today delicious.


Kathryn said...

What? You don't eat your chili over spaghetti? :-)

Hope PaPaw gets better soon!

Unknown said...

Ha! Ben actually likes his chili that way, and he even likes that restaurant. Ew! I have only eaten there once, and that was only because we had a gift card so it was free. I am not a fan. it will always be frito pir for me all the way.

Unknown said...

That would be frito pie. And p.s. You need to get a blog. i need more frequent pictures of your baby!