In this world and culture that we live in, it is so easy to get caught up in what we don't have that we think we deserve, or what others have that we think we want. I am just as guilty of this as the next person. One of the biggest struggles in my daily walk is comparing what I have, to what those around me have. And lets be honest, sometimes I am down right envious! I mean, who wouldn't want a body that naturally goes back to being thin after birthing three children? Or who wouldn't want to have a housekeeper, or live in a beautiful home on a handful of acres with horses roaming around in green pastures? Or jobs that pay six figures? Or children who sleep through the night without even so much as a peep? The list could go on and on. Comparing myself, my family, and my life to others is a battle that I must constantly fight against. Because the truth is, the only place it gets me is to a state of discontentment in my heart with the lot that God has given to me. The life that He has called me to. And that is not a good place to find myself in. And while I have no doubt that God wants me to strive to be thankful and content in any and all circumstances (His Word says this is so), and to think about this daily, I am especially thankful for the month of November, where we set aside a special time to count our many blessings. And when we really stop and think about it, don't they abound?! Man, oh man. My blessings are many. Might I share a few with you?
I may not be naturally thin, but tonight I am thankful for a healthy body that was able to conceive and carry to term, three beautiful children. And while I do not have a housekeeper, I am thankful for four teenage girls who help me keep our home as tidy and clean as possible, usually with a smile on their faces. And while the horses in green pastures is probably a pipe dream, I am thankful for a cozy, country home, filled with nice possessions and even nicer people, that just happens to sit on 160 beautiful acres (wink, wink). My bank account will testify to the fact that we do not make six figures, but tonight I am thankful that we are well on our way to being debt free (just one more vehicle and those pesty student loans and we are there!), that we have discretionary income, and that the blessings we receive in turn for working in this field far surpass six figures any day. And what about those children of mine who refuse to sleep through the night? This is a tough one for me! But, I try each night to simply be thankful that they are alive and well enough to cry out for me. There are many mothers whose arms are empty that would love to be in my shoes. And for that, I am oh, so very thankful. Not to mention that I have a wonderful husband who has NEVER complained about sharing in the work of raising our children (and that includes night time awakenings)! Indeed, my blessings abound. It really is just a matter of perspective, isn't it?
So, friends, I want to challenge you this season to stop and count your many blessings. They are certainly there, if you will only take a moment to stop and look for them!
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