Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Eight years ago today started out like any other typical day during that season of my life. I was twenty years old and in my junior year of college at Texas A&M University (some of the most fun years of my life, I might add!). That year, November 23rd fell on a Saturday, and I was home visiting my parents in preparation for Thanksgiving. A certain someone, whom I now lovingly refer to as Boss, had accompanied me on this trip. But back then he was not Boss, he was just Boyfriend. And that was a very important day for Boyfriend. Ohio State was playing Michigan, and Boyfriend took those games very seriously. He still does. That day, Ohio State beat Michigan, and Boyfriend told me that I was his lucky charm and that he was thinking of keeping me around forever. My heart melted and I got a little rashy at his words. In my world, getting rashy is a very good thing. I get rashy when I am excited and nervous. Back then, Boyfriend made me rashy all the time. I even threw up on our first several dates, but that's another story for another day. Back to this story. Oh yes, Boyfriend was saying he thought he would keep me around since I was his lucky charm. I believe after that game we went out to eat with my parents and then we went bowling. I remember I was wearing tiny gray pants (because I was quite tiny back then) and a pink and gray sweater. Boyfriend kept telling me how beautiful he thought I was. Boyfriend beat us all at bowling and told me once again that I was his lucky charm and would I mind sticking around forever? You got it, more rashes for me! I just remember it was a really fun day. I was so in love with this boy. After we returned home to my parents, Boyfriend suggested that we go for a walk around the lake in my parents neighborhood, the neighborhood where I grew up, the lake that I used to ride my bike around as a child. So we started walking. And holding hands. And looking at the stars. It was a beautiful clear night. And at a certain spot, Boyfriend stopped. And took my hand in his. And then he got down on one knee. I was certainly rashing at this point, and it is quite possible that I might have squealed. Boyfriend then proceeded to tell me that he loved me, and that he didn't want to live another day of his life without me, and would I do him the honor of becoming his wife? I kept asking him if this was really it, was I really being proposed to? Was he serious? Then he opened a white ring box that he held out to me and showed me a beautiful diamond ring that sparkled almost as much as his eyes, and I knew this really was it. And I said yes. And my life was forever changed for the better. And six months later we were married on a beautiful, hot, summer day in May, and boyfriend went from being Boyfriend, to being Boss. My best friend, my confidant, my rock, my life partner. I am so glad that he asked me that important question eight years ago today. And I am so glad that I said yes.