I have heard many Mama's who are about to welcome a second addition into their family say that they are not sure how they could possibly love their second little blessing as much as their first. They just aren't sure that their heart holds that much love. Of course, when that tiny one finally arrives they discover that there is, in fact, always enough love to go around, but oh how they worried before they knew! But me? I NEVER worried about that. I KNEW that my heart had enough love for Kate as soon as I saw two pink lines on the stick. And that love has grown every. single. day. over these past few years. Six years, to be exact, because yesterday my Kate turned six years old. Six! As always, I am not sure where they years have gone. Because now before me stands a dark haired beauty with a contagious smile, twinkling eyes, and infectious laughter. She exudes joy wherever she goes and not a day goes by where I don't thank God for her, the perfect middle addition to our family. Kate is a wonderful little sister, adoring her older sister and wanting to be wherever she is, and she is an awesome big sister, always looking out for her younger brother and smothering him with love and affection. Too much affection, he might tell you, but Kate's love for Jack just pours out of her! There is no mistaking that Kate is perfectly placed in our family! God is pretty cool like that, I think.
To celebrate Kate yesterday, we started her day by sending her on a special date with Daddy to get donuts. Yumm. We put a candle in hers and sang to her before we ate. After that, Grammy and Da came over and we let her open her presents! Among her new treasures are a Brave doll, a pink cowgirl hat, and The Secret World of Arrietty. After that, all of the girls went to see Brave at the theater, while the boys stayed behind and did manly stuff. I am not really sure what that entails, but I am fairly certain it included several episodes of Thomas the Train. (Also, Kate loved the movie, but I wasn't a fan. There was no prince charming to be found! Not a single prince charming in the entire film! And for a girl who loves love, that just doesn't cut it for me. Ahem.) Kate's supper choice that night was the Cheesecake Factory. Oh, she is a girl after my own heart! And then we ended her special day with a balloon release, a tradition I found on another blog. I picked up six PINK helium balloons (there is no other color in Kate's world), and had each person write a birthday wish for Kate on their balloon. Then we gathered outside and shared our wishes for the birthday girl. Grammy cried. She usually does. And then we counted down from six and released Kate's balloons into the air. Kate said it was her favorite part of the day!
I can't believe my smallest girl is now six. Six years old with a heart of gold. She is sleeping beside me as I type this, and I find myself pausing to watch the rise and fall of her chest. Life is such a beautiful miracle, worthy of celebration. Kate, you are loved. You have been from the moment you were created, and you always will be. Happy sixth birthday, baby girl. Mama loves you.