Most people seem to enjoy planning and preparing for a baby girl more than a baby boy. Not me. I love my two darling daughters to pieces, but baby boy things have always called to me. Always. Perhaps it is because I think baby boys look like tiny old men, and I think tiny old men are darling. I don't know. But I do know that with only four(ish) weeks left in this pregnancy, I have all things baby boy on the brain.
These are a few of my favorite things. I keep pinning them on
Pinterest in hopes that some of my crafty friends and relatives will get inspired. (Remember, I am only crafty when it comes to making people.) But maybe a better plan would be to introduce my mother to
Etsy, so she could just buy my favorite things for me? Or perhaps I should embrace the less is more attitude in all areas of life (including the area of decorating, shopping, and preparing for our new baby boy) and realize that whether my son is wearing a plain white onesie or a colorful one with attached suspenders really doesn't matter. He will be darling and dapper no matter what. Because he is mine and I already love him more than words can say.
But nevertheless, a few of my favorite things for your viewing pleasure....
So there you have it. A few of my favorite boy things.
(And to address any questions or concerns you might have, yes, my son will be sporting leg warmers.)
I lusted after every one of these before Larkin was born too. You have great taste lol
You may have great taste, but did you check the prices? Do you have family money that I missed out on?
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