A couple of weeks ago I was flipping through some pictures that my dad took with his camera, and this one caught my eye. I love any photograph that contains one or all of my children in it, but there was something about this one that caused me to pause. For some reason, in this photograph, my biggest girl looked old. Since I am not really a fan of my children growing up (because that means in twelve short years my oldest will leave our safe and cozy nest and fly away) I decided that it must have been the lighting or the angle that made her look so grown. Surely she was still my tiny girl, so I decided it was just a fluke and carried on about my day. But tonight it happened again. I was chatting with a friend in the hallway after Bible class, when Emma darted by and caught my eye. I caught my breath and stared. She looked old, again. So, it was true. She really is growing up. Tonight she was wearing a trendy, plaid, button down shirt , sparkly skinny jeans, and grown up tennis shoes. Gone are the days of caricature T-shirts and tennies. She had fixed her own hair in a sparkly headband and side ponytail, her new, usual do. She smiled and I could see where her two new bottom teeth are coming in. Another sign that things are changing. My heart is breaking and bursting with love for this growing girl, all at the very same time. I suppose that is what mothering is all about. Remembering the past, yet allowing them to spread their wings a bit more each year. Have no fear, she is still my sweet and silly almost six and a half year old, with a large emphasis on the silly. But every once in a while there are glimpses of the girl that she is becoming, and those glimpses take this mama's breath away.
Thank you God, for the gift of my children, and thank you for the privilege of watching them grow. Help me not to take one year, one month, one week, hour, or minute for granted. Remind me each day that time together is precious. Amen.
*** For my mommy memory: At six years old, Emma weighs in at 38 pounds and is 45 inches tall. She is still a tiny thing, but is growing taller by the day! ***
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