Saturday, June 21, 2008

100th Post

My blogging journey began with this picture:

Here's how far we have come!!

These two precious souls are the reason that I started blogging in the first place, and a year and a half and 100 posts later, I can honestly say that I love them more now, than I did when this adventure began. They have grown so very much, and I am thankful that blogging has allowed me to capture a bit of our daily lives and happenings. In a year and a half's time, we have moved twice, Boss had three different jobs, we've made new friends and lost touch with old ones, celebrated five years of marriage, started an adoption journey, known times of plenty and times of want, and have grown in ways that are too numerous to count. Thank you for sharing in our lives.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beach Bound

In nine hours, our little family will be leaving our home behind and will be heading for the beach! Virginia Beach, to be exact. This is our first ever family vacation, so needless to say, we are very excited! We have taken some trips with my parents before, but we have never ventured out on our own, so the time has come.

I have been packing, making lists, and packing for over a month now, and I am officially ready to go. The prize bag (to bribe the girls in to being good) is packed, our little silver car is stuffed to the brim, new swimsuits are purchased (I have lost ten pounds), and we finally got a certain three year old to sleep, who is so excited to see the beach! Now I am just finishing up some odds and ends, and then I will head to sleep myself.

This past week was a good one, and I know that the rest of our summer will be great, but for now I am looking forward to some quality time with my husband and my girls. We plan on making sand castles, swimming, eating ice cream, riding bikes, going to the movies, and doing basically anything else that floats our boats. We have not even left yet, and I already feel refreshed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008