Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Journey Begins

On January 1st, 2008, Boss and I began what will be one of the most important journeys in our lifetime. The journey to our third child! And while I am not carrying a child inside of my womb, our entire family is carrying this child in their hearts. It is the most amazing feeling!

I am not sure when my desire to adopt began, but I believe that it has been growing in my heart for a very long time. I have always loved Lifetime movies, and the ones about adoption were always my favorite. When I was in high school,l I decided I wanted to be an adoption caseworker when I grew up. And while I am not an adoption caseworker at this point in my life, I do work with adopted children every day, and beginning this journey to my own child is like nothing I have ever experienced before!

Boss honestly says that he never really thought much about adoption until he married me. He also never thought he would be a houseparent, and look how AWESOME he is at it now! I think his dream of adoption grew very slowly, but nevertheless he is as ready as I am to hold our baby! I feel so blessed to have a Godly husband who desires the same type of family life that I have always dreamed of.

We talked about adoption shortly after we had Emma, and we even went to a couple of adoption fairs, but at that point in our live,s I was either too young or we did not have the financial means to adopt a child. So we patiently began waiting until the time was right. We tried again to start the adoption process after Emma turned one, but the day we were going to mail in our application was the day we found out that Kate was on her way. So we decided to enjoy the two miracles God had given us, and the subject of adoption went on hold again.

Yet here we are a year and a half later, and the time finally feels right. We began talking seriously about adoption and researching agencies a few months ago, but I was waiting for Boss to take the lead. He did this in a very romantic way! We had been talking about trading in our two cars for a 12 passenger van, and on the night we were driving our new van home he said, You know what this means, don't you? The time is right. Now you can fill this van full of babies! Okay, he didn't really say we could fill it full of babies, but he did say we could start the process for number three. I'm telling you...it was better than a proposal! He just asked that we wait until the first of the year. So, I filled out our basic information form and left it on my desk until after New Years Eve.Then bright and early on January 1st, I marched over and faxed in our very first adoption form to our agency of choice! I smiled all the way to the fax machine! Since then we have found an agency to do our home study and we are being mailed the actual application to begin the program.

Adoption can be quite a lengthy process, and I know we have only just begun, but I am already thinking of our new little one daily. At this point we don't care if our baby is a boy or girl, or if he or she is red, yellow, black, or white. Emma wants rainbow! We are completely open to whatever baby God has for our family! Though this journey will be a long one and I am sure we will encounter many bumps along the way, I am positive that when we hold that little miracle in our arms it will all be worth it.


Kim said...

How wonderful! 2008 is off to a great start for you guys!


Anonymous said...

Yea! Happy day! :) I can't think of better people to be blessed with a little rainbow baby! We're praying for you guys...and your sweet baby...Kristin

Paula said...

Congratulations on your decision!