Most of you know by now that we are country folk. We live in a pleasant little town surrounded by cornfields, right outside of a great big city. Well, every once in awhile, us country folk get the hankering for an adventure. So what do we do? If there are no cows to be tipped, we trade in our boots and jeans for sophisticated attire and we head to the big city for a night of fun. or something like that. In reality I do not own boots or sophisticated attire, but I did put on a clean shirt that was not covered in baby spit up. Does that count? I thought so. Anyway, back to our night of fun.
Our family had relief tonight (we get one evening "off" from the residents each week) and we wanted to do something fun, so we decided to head down town. Our destination? New Port Aquarium. It rocks. Seriously, if you are ever in the area, you should go. Each year when we vacation to coastal cities we visit the aquariums that they have in the cities there, thinking that because they are near the ocean they will be great, and sadly we are always disappointed. Because our aquarium is the best. It's as simple as that. Emma loves the aquarium. She looks in every single tank, and reads every single sign. If she weren't so cute it would be annoying. Kate is just happy to be where Emma is, and Boss and I just enjoy being with our children, so it is a win-win situation for all parties involved. We spent a solid two hours there before we ventured over to eat Mexican food at a restaurant that overlooks the river. It was a gorgeous day, and our evening was just about perfect. Lots of laughs. It is the simple moments really, that make me so thankful for this life that I lead. An evening out with my four most favorite people on this earth. Not much can top that. It was fun pretending to be big city folks for a night. But you know what was even better? Coming home to our little pleasant house in the country. It really is the best of both worlds.

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