This summer simply cannot go on without my recording of something monumental that happened in the "Z" household recently. On June 26, 2011, at 11:30 am, Kate Elisabeth Zickafoose turned five years old. That is one whole hand! I am not sure how it has happened, or where the time has gone, but once again I blinked and where once sat my dark haired, hazel eyed, chubby baby girl, now sits a beautiful, funny, almost kindergartner little girl. At least she still has her dark hair and hazel eyes! And she will always be my baby, no matter how much she grows up.
In our house we love birthdays, so we celebrated Kate for at least an entire week! I told her 'Happy Birthday' so many times, that she eventually asked me to stop! Ha! Silly girl. During Kate's Birthday Week, we did so many fun things! My parents took the girls to see The Lion King on Broadway, we went to Kings Island, we visited the spray park at Woodland Mounds, and Kate and I went on a date to get pedicures and to have lunch at Panera Bread. So fun! On Kate's actual birthday, Boss and Emma had just left for a week at church camp, and Kate was quite sad, but we tried to make the best of it. I took donut holes for her Bible class to enjoy at church, I made her requested lunch of white noodles (fettuccine), we went to the movies and loaded up on some candy, and I sang to her over and over again. I just cannot believe that my littlest girl is five years old. I love her so much.
For her party this year, Kate decided that she wanted to go back to Jump Zone (where Emma had her fifth party). She also wanted a pink and green polka dot theme. I let her help me pick out all of the decorations, Grammy made her a delicious cake, we handed out Take 5 candy bars for party favors (you know, since she is now 5 and all!), and she laughed, and played, and jumped her heart out with all of her closest family and friends. I hope that her day was everything that she wanted it to be. Kate, you are so very loved! Happy 5th Birthday, Buggey!