Our family had a beautiful day today. The Easter Bunny 'hopped' into our house last night and left lots and lots of goodies. The excitement and joy was contagious this morning! My children looked darling in their bright spring colors, and Boss was dashing, as usual. Grammy and Da joined us for worship, and then we had a delicious lunch and egg hunt with friends turned family. Grumps and Gramms are the two most generous people that I know. Our lives are blessed for knowing them. The surprise this year? Grown ups got to hunt eggs, too! Ever the competitor, Boss walked away with the golden egg! And I figure, what's yours is mine, right babe? We ended our day with cards and waffles. One of my most favorite days of the year. So thankful I serve a RISEN Saviour! Thanking Him tonight for this beautiful life.
P.S. Lest you never believe that our family, our life, is perfect, check out Jack's face in some of the photographs! Mister Man had quite the meltdown when he was denied more chocolate. Have no idea where he gets his dramatics from. Perhaps from Boss' side of the family?