They say that some traits are genetic. And I say that I would have to agree. Because my daughter Emma, the actress, rocked it out on stage this past weekend in her spring musical performance of School House Rock (Live)! Clearly she gets her mad skills from me. Some people believe that home schooled children are deprived both socially and from age appropriate life experiences. And I say that I would have to disagree. Because my daughter, the actress, is living the good life, learning things, and having fun all at the very same time. She is beautiful, and smart, and kind, and smart, and likable, and smart, and funny, and smart, and sarcastic (another lovely trait she inherited from her mama), and smart. And did I mention that she rocked it out on stage this past weekend? Because she did, and I am so, so proud of her!
At the beginning of this school year our family joined a home school group in our area, and immediately Em wanted to sign up for Musical Theater Jr. Every week for this past year, she has gone to class and worked her hardest to learn all of the words to the songs and all of the steps to the dances. She has practiced at home and sang in the car. And she has done it all with a smile on her face. And in case I haven't mentioned it, last weekend she rocked it out on stage. She is one awesome kid, my daughter, the actress. I am so proud to be her Mama!
* Thanks to Denise Owens Photography for the cast pictures! *

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