Last week I celebrated a birthday. Someone told me it was my golden birthday, since I turned 28 on the 28th. Well, I don't know whether it was golden or not, but it sure was blessed. I feel like my life is so full these days. Full in a good way. It feels like it is overflowing with love, purpose, and contentment. I know I am blessed to even be able to write those words.
Birthdays have always been really special to me. I love having any excuse to celebrate something, and I used to dub July my birthday month, and force my whole family to celebrate with me for 31 glorious days. You know, like if my dad asked me to take out the trash on July 16th, "I can't Dad, it's my birthday month". You get the idea. Then came Emma. Sweet, little, stealer of the birthday month, Emma. She was born on the 8th of July, and suddenly I found myself having to share my birthday month. Good thing I love her so much, because I would not be willing to share my month with just anyone. But seriously, I love birthdays. Love them. And you know what? While the hoopla surrounding my special day has died down the older I have gotten, the joy of my day has only grown. After 28 years on this earth I have much more to celebrate than I did, say, after 8 years on this earth, or 15.
This year I spent the day with my most favorite people on this planet. My little family. Boss let me sleep in and take my time getting ready (LOVE that!), and then we loaded up the kiddos and went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, per tradition. Emma gave me a special birthday card that said "Hapy Berfday, Mommy. I love you. Love, Emma", and the waiters sang to me per Boss's request. I pretended (as I do every year) that I was embarassed and did not like it, but secretly it makes me happy when people sing to me on my day :) After lunch we went to the mall. Boss watched the kids in the play area while I got a fancy pedicure. My toes are now Berry Berry Pink. To finish off the day we went to Kings Island before returning home to the big kids. Once home, my most favorite neighbors (really, I LOVE all of my neighbors) brought me over a birthday cake and sang to me once again. This time I didn't even pretend not to like it. See how I've matured since turning 28? Seriously, it was a great day.
I am amazed when I look back at the path that God has led me down over the past 28 years. Sometimes I feel as though I have experienced so much, yet really I know the past 28 years are just a drop in the bucket (Lord willing). I am so thankful to be married to Boss and to be sharing my days with him. I am blessed to call three great kids mine. I am excited about the future. Life doesn't get much better than this.
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