One of my favorite passions and hobbies is decorating my home. I love picking out colors and pieces that will make my home a warm and inviting place to be during any season of the year, but I especially love decorating for the holidays! There is just something special about cheery red Santa's, green and red stripes, and twinkling little lights that warms my heart. If you have ever been in my home, you know that I have a love for all things primitive and vintage, and this year I thought it would be fun to decorate one of our Christmas trees in a bit of an old fashioned/primitive way. We always put up two Christmas trees. One homemade/family tree with all of the children's homemade and personalized ornaments on it (this year we are going to chop a real tree down at a tree farm!), and one tree that we decorate with a particular theme. The past few years I have gone with a red and gold theme, to match the colors in our dining room, where the tree stood. But seeing as we are in a new house this year, I wanted something different. I wanted primitive. I was envisioning popcorn and red wooden bead garland, brown paper ribbon, and old fashioned looking ornaments. I wanted to wrap our gifts in brown paper grocery sacks, and tie them with huge red and white bows. I wanted simple and old fashioned. Nothing else would do.
But then, one fateful day last week, I made the very grave mistake of taking Emma with me on an outing to Target to look at all of the primitive ornaments. Because there, three shelves over, a package of sparkly, shiny, pink and turquoise ornaments began calling her name. Oh, yes, there were purple ornaments in that package, too. Pink, and turquoise, and purple ornaments! At Christmas! And my daughter was in love. Insert big problem. Pink, and turquoise, and purple do not go nicely with primitive brown and red. Whatever was I going to do? I bought the ornaments Emma fell in love with, of course, along with pink, sparkly, bright wrapping paper and shiny turquoise bows with purple polka dots, and I put my dreams of a primitive Christmas to rest. And you know what? After putting the tree up yesterday evening and staring at it for the past twenty four hours, I have decided that I think it looks amazing. It is cheerful, and merry, and bright, and when we turn on the lights, it looks like something out of an add for a beautiful candy store. And I love it! It is perfect for our family. Perfect for my six year old who has an eye and a love for bright colors. Perfect for my four year old who adores all things sparkly. Perfect for our home that is currently housing seven females this holiday season. Simply perfect, and merry, and bright. What can I say? It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!