On the hunt for the perfect one. So many trees. So little time.

Kate falls and cries while we are scoping out all of the trees. She is our little drama queen. No "z" family adventure would be complete without her tears. Just keeping it real, yall.

We found the perfect tree! Well, except for that big hole in the back of it, but we did tell the girls they could choose. Everyone is smiling and happy again.

Um. Stud. No more words are necessary.

Hard at work.

Hooray! Daddy is almost done sawing that tree trunk!

Hauling that big sucker back to the van.

Whew! Poor tree. She's tired from all of this work. She thinks she will just take a little rest before we head home and the decorating party begins.

Mission accomplished. The "Z" family officially cuts down their Christmas tree for the very first time, and everyone is happy. Especially Boss. Family Adventures are his favorite! Hehe.

The End.