Our little boy is now eleven months old. Hard to believe that we will be celebrating his first birthday in just one month. I am not quite sure where the time has gone. But one thing is for certain, Jack Ryan is growing up right before our eyes. And he is SUCH a JOY! Every day, he makes me smile. Every single day. His eyes sparkle, his cheeks glow, and his smile is contagious. It is hard not to be happy when he is around. We are so blessed that he is our son.
At eleven months old, Jack is sporting six teeth (two on top and four on bottom). His hair is really starting to come in, and the bald spot on the back of his head is almost entirely covered now. His hair is light golden brown, much like his big sister Emma, and it has the same fine, wispy texture. Jack still loves to eat, and likes anything that I put in front of him. We are working on eating more small meals, and less bottles. Daddy is counting the days until we kiss formula goodbye. Can you say pay raise? :) The only two words that he says are uh oh and Dada. We are working on saying Mama, but no such luck. What can I say? I guess he is saving the best for last.
At his last Dr.'s appointment (for his third double ear infection in the last few months), Jack weighed in at 21 pounds even, and I do believe that he is finally starting to trim down. It will be a sad, sad day when he loses the last of his baby chub. His chub is just so kissable all over. There is nothing better than his squishy, chubby baby thighs. Sleep continues to be decent. He always goes to sleep at eight and wakes us up with smiles at five. He takes two naps a day. He continues to crawl everywhere and cruise around the furniture. I know he will be walking any day now. And that seems impossible. My baby is growing up too quickly.
Jack is our sweet, sweet baby boy. He makes us so happy. Our hearts are filled with joy. Thank you, God, for the gift of our son.