Boss is my forever Valentine. He is the only one that I have ever had, and that makes my heart happy. While I dated other guys during high school and college, I was never seeing anyone on Valentines day. I celebrated my very first Valentines day with Boss, when we were newly engaged. It was wonderful. Everything that you think a Valentines date should be. I bought and wore a sparkly red and black dress, he wore a shirt and tie. He sent me roses and took me out to a fancy dinner. And then he suffered through a chick flick, while I cried sappy, happy tears. Because I have always loved love.
Our second Valentines was pretty romantic, too. I was newly pregnant with Emma and he had to work that day, but it did not stop us from celebrating our love. Boss made me a CD of all of my favorite love songs, and when he arrived home from the store that night, tired and hungry, I had dinner waiting for him complete with soft music and lit candles. The next day we left for a week long cruise.
Those were the only two Valentines that we celebrated with just he and I. We started having children, our love grew by leaps and bounds with each one, and now we celebrate the day family style. Sometimes I miss those days of getting dressed up and going out, but I know they will come back again in several years, and then I will miss these days. Because these days are beautiful, too.
Today I was woken up with kisses from all four of my favorite people. At lunchtime, Boss brought me home a dozen yellow roses (always yellow, because he says I am his yellow rose from Texas), and he brought the girls home chocolates and cards. All three of us pretty much think he hung the moon. And then tonight we had a special family dinner. I decorated the table, made place cards, and left a little surprise on every ones chair. We feasted on spaghetti, garlic bread, and tossed salad. We ate by candlelight. Dessert was homemade strawberry cake with icing made from scratch, or iced chocolate brownies. And then the big girls and I watched Fireproof. And we all cried. Because we are silly girls. To complete my day, I am about to head up the stairs, move tiny sleeping bodies into their own beds, feed my growing baby one last bottle, and then crawl into the arms of my forever Valentine. It has been a beautiful day.