Whew! It has been quite some time since I have found the energy and the words to put on the pages of this journal. At the end of March, our family (including all four foster girls) took a mini vacation to Washington DC. Quite the experience! Traveling with nine people an experience for both Boss and I, and leaving the county for the first time an experience for our foster children. One I am sure that we will all soon NOT forget! We went to visit my brother and his wife before they move to CA this summer (major props to them for always following their dreams and refusing to live life in the slow lane), to get all seven children a little bit of culture (Jack was really in need of this... he is so small minded.... hehe!), to eat a cupcake from Georgetown Bakery (DC Cupcakes), and to simply leave the compound, as we lovingly refer to our homeland. A good time was had by all, and we returned with all nine people safely intact, and at least seven of us were still on speaking terms (Boss and I were a little iffy on this one). Time away was just what our family needed to rest and recharge.
With April, came the return of our busy schedules (schooling, dance, staff obligations, mini school etc.). And then last Friday, my Buggy (also known as Kate), graduated from mini school. (Insert big tear here).An entire post on that is coming soon. I am fairly positive that I am not old enough to have
two school aged children. Seriously. But life goes on at a whirlwind pace whether we want it to or not, and with each milestone that passes, I learn to cherish the next season of life just a little bit more than I did the last.
And in the midst of all of this craziness that is our lives, God has really been working on my heart. I have begun to pray, and to think, to study, and to believe in a whole new way. I have come to know first hand, that if you seek God, you will find him. Currently I am working on being thankful for what I have in this life, and on making the most of every opportunity that He sends my way. More on this to come! To say that I am excited about the plans that He has for both my life and my family would be an understatement. Walking with God is certainly an adventure. I am learning to see life in a whole new way.
So that is where we are and what we have been up to. Living, learning, and loving in this place we call home. Thanks for checking in!