This year, for the first time ever, my Emma (who turns seven years old tomorrow!) went away to a week of church camp. To the very same camp that her daddy went to when he was a boy! The most we have ever been apart in the last seven years of her life was for three nights when Boss and I went to interview for a job in New Mexico. Other than that, she has spent several weekends at Grandma's with cousins, she has slept over several times at Grammy's (including when I had her sister and brother), and she has slept over at other houses on campus three different times. But the vast majority of her nights are spent here at home. With us all together as a family. Where she belongs. So her going away for an entire week was a really big deal for us! As her mama, I was super nervous and worried about how she would sleep, but she did great! Boss did go to camp as kitchen staff, so he was there if she needed him, but we were so proud of how she did. Our biggest girl really is growing up. She had an awesome time, and she informed me that the very best part about camp was getting to eat her dessert first, because I was not there to tell her not to. Ha! Love that girl. She also loved all of the cabin activities, camp fire, skit night, and being with her friends. Her least favorite part? Dodge ball. Just like her mama. She is so my girl. Boss said his favorite part of camp was watching his biggest girl learn about God. Lord willing, the 'Z' family has many more weeks of Fort Hill camp in their future!

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Fort Hill
This year, for the first time ever, my Emma (who turns seven years old tomorrow!) went away to a week of church camp. To the very same camp that her daddy went to when he was a boy! The most we have ever been apart in the last seven years of her life was for three nights when Boss and I went to interview for a job in New Mexico. Other than that, she has spent several weekends at Grandma's with cousins, she has slept over several times at Grammy's (including when I had her sister and brother), and she has slept over at other houses on campus three different times. But the vast majority of her nights are spent here at home. With us all together as a family. Where she belongs. So her going away for an entire week was a really big deal for us! As her mama, I was super nervous and worried about how she would sleep, but she did great! Boss did go to camp as kitchen staff, so he was there if she needed him, but we were so proud of how she did. Our biggest girl really is growing up. She had an awesome time, and she informed me that the very best part about camp was getting to eat her dessert first, because I was not there to tell her not to. Ha! Love that girl. She also loved all of the cabin activities, camp fire, skit night, and being with her friends. Her least favorite part? Dodge ball. Just like her mama. She is so my girl. Boss said his favorite part of camp was watching his biggest girl learn about God. Lord willing, the 'Z' family has many more weeks of Fort Hill camp in their future!