Tuesday, November 15, 2011
This year we are planning on a nice, quiet, simple Thanksgiving at our home. Just the way that we like it. A few of the teenage girls will be enjoying the special meal with our family, as well as my parents. My little girls and I have been having such fun preparing our decorations for the big day! Pilgrim hat place cards, homemade place mats. My mom and I have also enjoyed planning our menu! Ham, turkey, sausage stuffing (my grandmother's recipe), cream cheese mashed potatoes, strawberry pretzel salad, and the list goes on. Yummy, comfort foods that warm both heart and belly. After lunch the boys will retire to the couches to watch some football, the girls will gather around the table and work on a fall puzzle. Pumpkin pie will be eaten, white pumpkin hot chocolate sipped. Family loved and enjoyed. That evening, after my parents have left, we will head over to our neighbors (really they are our second family) home for leftovers, cards, laughter, and the beginning makings of our Christmas lists! But not before we light up our home for the season with twinkling little lights before we go! My heart is so full just thinking about the wonderful day that is coming! I feel so blessed in this life that I have. Wonderful, amazing husband. Awesome, funny children. Supportive, loving extended family. Friends who treat us like family. I really do feel as though it is a wonderful life! And I thank God everyday for my many blessings. Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween
As usual, the Z family Halloween festivities were quite frightful and fun this year! Okay, there was nothing frightful about our Halloween, but we certainly did have a lot of fun! This year we had a medieval princess (Emma), a ballerina kitty cat (Kate), and a golfer (Jack). The girls had such a great time dressing up for a campus party, Trunk-or-Treat at the church building, and trick-or-treating around campus. Anything that involves their besties (the Boverie sisters) and chocolate, and you pretty much have a winner event in the eyes of my daughters. Jack, however, did not love Halloween. He HATED his costume and wanted it off!! We, of course, found it hilarious and left his costume on for all of the events for our parental enjoyment. Jack also was not a fan of trick-or-treating. He did not want to walk around from house to house. He wanted to play basketball. The boy has a one track mind when it comes to sports (he gets that from his daddy). So, being the responsible adult that I am, I trick-or-treated on behalf of Jack. I did not want his candy to go to waste, so I ate it for him too! And when he wanted a bite? I said, "Sorry, son. Maybe next time you should put the ball down and get the candy yourself!". That'll show him! I think that about sums up Halloween 2011 for the Z family. Thanksgiving, here we come!

18 Months
Oh, my sweet son. Where has the time gone? How is it possible that in September you turned 18 months old? I cannot wrap my brain around it. Your entire life has been such a joy to me. I can't imagine the days that we used to spend without you. Without a doubt, you were meant to be a part of who we are. Do you want to know a secret? I was scared about having a little boy. I wanted a little boy, but after having both of your sisters before you, I was not sure what I would do with you. Now I am not sure what I would ever do without you. You are so happy! You love to smile and laugh. You are the most affectionate little boy. You give hugs and kisses generously, and you are always searching for a hand to hold. You love sports and balls, reading books, and putting on shoes (especially boots). You love your sisters, calling for them when you cannot see them. The best news is that they love you too. You call them 'Memma' (both of them), and they call you their best little buddy. You also adore Daddy and your favorite thing is to go on golf cart rides with him. But most of all, you are a Mama's boy. My boy. It is the best feeling in the world! You must always be near me, patting me, kissing me. Life is beautiful and filled with so much love since you are in it.
At 18 months old you are a decent sleeper, though you are rising earlier these days. You still want your bottle and your paci, and since you are our baby, we probably give both to you far too often. You love to eat (though you will not eat meat or drink milk), and your favorites are yogurt, bananas, and goldfish. You call everything a nack (snack). It makes us laugh! You are a growing boy! At your well child check you weighed in at 25 pounds, which put you in the 25th percentile for weight, as well as height. We won't discuss the size of your big noggin'! (Okay, I will confess. Your head size is in the 97th percentile! Wowsers. Mama thinks you have a really big brain.)You adore being outside and you are a very busy boy! A definite change of pace from your sisters. You keep us on our toes. Jack, Mama loves you. I am blessed to spend my days with you and I am excited to watch you grow, even if my Mama heart breaks a little bit in the process. Jack, in the words of your biggest sister, your family loves you so very much that there is not even a number for it!

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