Tonight, Boss and I packed away the last of the Christmas decorations and hauled them into storage for another year. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time passes. Too quickly as my babies are growing. I simply cannot believe that another Christmas has come and gone! The joyous season never lasts long enough. We had a simple, fun, somewhat quiet holiday this year. It was nice. Memories were made. On Christmas Eve we went to a special service at our church. Afterwards, we celebrated the evening with our friends, before heading home to put the little ones to bed. I love tucking my two big girls into my bed on Christmas Eve. We let them fall asleep there on this special night, and I love to hear them dreaming, whispering, giggling of all they hope the next day will bring. Sweet, sweet sisters. Boss and I kissed their sweet cheeks, gave them strict orders not to leave the bed, and then we headed downstairs to work some Christmas magic! Somewhere after midnight we crawled into bed ourselves. Satisfied, content, and happy.
The next morning we were awoken by little hands and big smiles! The children waited anxiously at the top of the stairs until they were given the go ahead to see if Santa had visited. He did! This year he brought the girls bean bag chairs and tote bags filled with pajama goodness. He brought Jack a basketball hoop and a new ball. Never has there been a more excited little boy on the planet! Next we opened our stockings and then had a delicious Christmas breakfast with Grammy and Da. Homemade cinnamon rolls (made by yours truly), sausage, egg, and cheese casserole, and fruit salad. After that it was present time! We opened gifts, took pictures, and laughed for the next hour before cleaning up and getting ready for the day.
That afternoon we drove to Chillicothe and celebrated the holiday with Boss' family. Cousins are so much fun! And Papaw and Grandma are always too good to us at Christmas. We ended our day at Boss' aunt's house, where his entire extended family gathered together for a meal on this special day. I love that. I love adult siblings that still gather together. I pray it will be so for my own children! We drove home that night tired, but deeply satisfied. Happy children buckled into the back. Mama and Daddy holding hands. Another holiday came and went, but the memories will be held in our hearts for years to come. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!