Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Adam

A few years ago, we started a tradition with my parents on the night before Christmas Eve. And because I find it too confusing to say Christmas Eve's, Eve, we entitled our night Christmas Adam. Because Adam came before Eve. Get it? Bwahahaha! Okay, it's corny I know, but my children love it and greatly look forward to Christmas Adam each year. My mom hosts us at her house and serves us a meal of home made fettuccine, salad, and garlic bread. Yum. After that the kids get to open their coordinating Christmas jammies (compliments of their dear Mama, that would be me, ahem). They are all super thrilled about their Christmas jammies each year. They jump up and down with joy and loudly exclaim with adoration that I am the best mama on the planet. Okay, not really, but I am sure that one day they will look back on this tradition that I forced upon them with fondness. And until then, it does my mama heart good to see all of my babies in coordinating jammies sitting under the sparkling Christmas tree. Sigh. Tonight, after the Christmas jammies were donned, we piled into Old Faithful (our very large white van) and perused the wealthy neighborhoods looking for beautiful Christmas light displays. We were not disappointed! When we had seen enough, we went back to Grammy's for treats and hot cocoa, followed by a few rounds of Christmas Bingo. I love my family, I love our traditions, and I love Christmas! Happy Christmas Adam!