On this very busy week before Christmas, my girls and I have spent lots of time elving! We (okay, I)wanted our giving to be a bit more thoughtful, personal, homemade this year. More "Z" family creations, less gift cards. And while we still have a super long way to go (as there are still a few gift cards hanging out under the tree), I do believe we made a good effort this year! A few examples of some home made gift ideas we came up with: family movie night buckets (including soda, candy, a cozy blanket to snuggle under, popcorn and cute tubs, a dollar bill to be redeemed for a movie from Red Box, etc.), sweet little jars filled with Christmas gum for the girl's little friends (idea taken from Pinterest), and tins filled with cookies and sweets for neighbors/friends. None of these ideas earth shattering, but my girls and I sure had fun creating, baking, and packaging! And we have more ideas up our sleeves for next year. So you had better watch out. The "Z" family is on a roll.

Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Elving
On this very busy week before Christmas, my girls and I have spent lots of time elving! We (okay, I)wanted our giving to be a bit more thoughtful, personal, homemade this year. More "Z" family creations, less gift cards. And while we still have a super long way to go (as there are still a few gift cards hanging out under the tree), I do believe we made a good effort this year! A few examples of some home made gift ideas we came up with: family movie night buckets (including soda, candy, a cozy blanket to snuggle under, popcorn and cute tubs, a dollar bill to be redeemed for a movie from Red Box, etc.), sweet little jars filled with Christmas gum for the girl's little friends (idea taken from Pinterest), and tins filled with cookies and sweets for neighbors/friends. None of these ideas earth shattering, but my girls and I sure had fun creating, baking, and packaging! And we have more ideas up our sleeves for next year. So you had better watch out. The "Z" family is on a roll.