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(Raising Arrows is one of my very favorite large family, homeschooling blogs. Check it out!) |
Hello. I am having a baby. Not soon, but rather soon(ish). In case you are wondering, soon(ish) refers to any time in the pregnancy after the half way mark. Sometimes Boss likes to tell people that my due date is really a bit later than what I would like for it to be. I send him ugly glares when that happens. He just smiles. Clearly he has never grown another human being INSIDE OF HIS BODY!
Today I went for my monthly checkup. Up until this month, I had done superb with my weight gain. Even over the holidays, my weight increased only slightly (two bouts with the stomach virus will do that to you). I had been patting myself on the back for a job well done. Until today. Today, I realized that I had completely doubled my entire pregnancy weight gain in one month. IN ONE MONTH! The nice doctor asked me what had happened. I informed her that I had been really hungry and eating everything in sight. She made me promise her it would not happen again. She wants me to cut back on the carbs and focus on eating healthy proteins such as eggs and bacon. Say what?! And this lady wasn't even one of the residents that I am used to seeing. She was the real deal. So what do you do if your doctor orders you to eat bacon? You obey! I had some for lunch, thank you very much. And the scale climbed up another pound.
Everything else with baby boy looks good. We will have a repeat ultrasound next month. Baby moved too much last time for them to get the necessary pictures. We will also be checking to make sure that the placenta has moved to a new location. In its current location, a C-Section would be required for delivery. I have informed the placenta that Boss does not do C-Sections (he barely does delivery at all), so it can feel free to move right on out of the way any time now! I am not sure if placenta's are particularly known for their good listening skills or not, so we shall see.
I want to let it be known here, how very much in love with this little boy I already am! I think of being the mama to four tiny ones and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I pulled tiny boy clothes out of storage today, and my heart hummed as I carefully sorted and set things aside for my new son to wear. MY NEW SON! I may be a bit older now than the first time that I did this pregnancy thing (my body feels it), it might be my fifth pregnancy and fourth child, I might need to chew 100 TUMS a day (and use the restroom double that), but it is still the most incredible thing in the world, this growing of a life. This being a mother and a wife. What a privilege and an honor. Every day I go to bed exhausted, but every day I wake up ready to do it all over again (as long as that wake up happens after seven am).
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