Okay. It is really cold here, we are going on our fourth snow day from school, our satellite dish is frozen solid (which means no cable), and I am about to go stir crazy. So, in honor of having nothing else to do, I thought I would write a 25 Random Things post. My daughters can read it when they are grown, and they can remember where we were at this point in our life together as a family. Enjoy. Or don't. It's up to you.
1. I never got below an A in high school.
2. My lowest round of golf is a 77..not putt-putt.
3. I have moved 15 times, and lived in 7 states during the last 9 years.
4. I have ran 4 marathons.
5. I missed qualifying for the Boston Marathon by 10 minutes.
6. I have worked 21 jobs, and no Donald, I have never been fired.
7. I have run out of the tunnel at Ohio Stadium with a football team on national television.
8. I once had my feet in the Pacific Ocean, and then the Atlantic Ocean, on consecutive days.
9. I have made the ESPN not-so-top-plays, for getting creamed by Chad Pennington on Thanksgiving.
10. I have broken both of my wrists at the same time.
11. I never want to work in a secular job ever again.
12. The craziest day of my life was because of a camping trip in northern New Mexico.
13. I washed dirty laundry to pay for grad school.
14. I once sold shoes to George H. and Barbara Bush, Barry Bonds, Jennifer Lopez, Keri Russell, Kate Hudson, Dirk Nowiski, Freddy Couples, Phil Mickelson, Ja Rule, Tyrese Gibson, and Ron Goldman, and most importantly my wife, Kendra!
15. I once had one shoe sale that was $54,000 dollars....all CASH...something didn't seem quite right?
16. I won a cruise to Key West, Cancun, and Belize with my wife, which happened to be the same cruise my wife and I went on for our honeymoon only six months before...and I never want to go to Belize again!
17. I hate any dessert that involves a fruit!
18. I was an assistant coach on a basketball team that won a state championship.
19. I helped clean debris in New York/New Jersey after the Trade Center attacks.
20. I currently have all my dream jobs at once...Husband, Daddy, PE Teacher, Athletic Director, Basketball Coach.
21. I love playing video games and I will never stop.
22. If I had two hours to live and I could only watch one movie...I would watch Hoosiers.
23. It was 106 degrees at our wedding...and it was an outside ceremony.
24. My wife and I have been houseparents at a children's home for over 3 years...and we have had 23 different kids live with us.
25. My idea of a perfect day is a day where our family can spend all day together, doing whatever we want.
1. I have 2 kids and I want 4. Or 6. Boss wants 3. We'll see who wins.
2. I am deathly afraid of elevators.
3. I want to visit all 50 states, so that I can put pegs on my map.
4. My favorite smells are Johnsons Baby Shampoo and dryer sheets. Love Spell from Victoria Secret is nice, too.
5. I HATE cooking. Really hate it.
6. I catch every disease that I read about online. No, really, I do.
7. My early childhood took place in Saudi Arabia.
8. I used to event horses. I wasn't any good at it.
9. We have had 5 dogs in 5 years of marriage. I think we have Dog Reactive Attachment Disorder.
10. My favorite thing to eat is a Cinnamon Crunch Bagel and a Chai Tea Latte from Panera Bread.
11. My favorite way to relax is to read a good book in the bathtub.
12. I never want to have a secular job.
13. I love traditions, holidays, and memory making.
14. I want Boss and I to be an old RVing couple.
15. I bought a new pair of shoes from Champs (which I didn't need) just so that I could meet Boss.
16. I love Chick Flicks.
17. I want to adopt a child (or children), but I am scared.
18. I want to homeschool my children.
19. I love being a houseparent....most days....it is very comical and life changing.
20. I love living in the country! It is the best.
21. I want to go ice skating on an outdoor rink.
22. I really, really hope my husband gets to keep his job next year. He works harder than anyone I know.
23. I am trying to make myself enjoy exercising.
24. I am a blog junkie.
25. I am trying to figure out my faith in God. I want to know what I believe and why I believe it, so that I have answers for anyone who asks.
1. She was born after 22 hours of hard labor without pain medication.
2. She rolled over at 10 weeks and walked at 10 months.
3. She didn't potty train until she was three.
4. Her favorite shows are Spongebob Squarepants and any of the Barbie movies.
5. Emma loves pancakes and any food that contains a noodle!
6. She puts ketsup on EVERYTHING!
7. She is afraid of the dark and sleeps on a pallet on our floor.
8. She either wants to marry her daddy or Carter Woods.
9. Her daddy wants her to play Basketball, but Emma's says 'No' because then she might sweat.
10. Emma loves ballet and wants to be a dancer when she grows up.
11. Emma's favorite thing to play is Barbies.
12. She loves games and can beat anyone at Dora Memory!
13. Emma is a great big sister and is very protective of Kate. She wants to have another sister named Theresa Starr.
14. Emma is shy in new situations, but a ham at home.
15. She loves singing and does so EVERY time we are in the car. Her favorites are Christmas songs, which we are fortunate enough to hear year round.
16. Emma loves to make crafts and makes pictures for anyone who is sad or sick.
17. She has a great heart and constantly puts others before herself.
18. Her favorite drink is orange juice, because she says that it makes her healthy.
19. She loves bubble baths.
20. She loves going to the beach and wants to go every year.
21. Emma is a helper, and she can often be found dusting things around the house.
22. Emma loves God and talks about Heaven daily.
23. Emma's other favorite food is a pickle.
24. Her favorite person is her daddy, and I am okay with that. It warms my heart to watch them together.
25. Emma is an absolute joy and makes parenting so easy! She is the light of my life and I am so glad she is mine.
1. Kate was born on her actual due date after 8 hours of labor.
2. She walked at 1 year old.
3. She just started sleeping through the night last month. It's been a long two years!
4. Kate's favorite foods are french fries and mac and cheese.
5. Kate loves Caillou and Dora!
6. Kate loves to play anything that her big sister is playing.
7. Her favorite dessert is a Dum Dum lollipop.
8. Kate loves Bible Class!
9. Kate loves to wear dresses and her "fancy" shoes!
10. She can't say her R's. She says W's instead. For example, Barbies is Bawbies. Dora is Dowa.
11. She tells all who will listen that her name is Kate Little Bef (Elisabeth).
12. She is a mama's girl! I love it!
13. Did I mention she loves Caillou? It's bordering on obsession.
14. She hates having her hair washed or combed, and fights it every time.
15. She wants to marry Cooper Woods and spin around in a fancy dress.
16. Kate loves to read stories about Ballet.
17. She loves music!
18. She is not afraid of the dark, and sleeps in her own bed, in her own room, without a fuss.
19. She loves her little Bible and carries it every where.
20. Kate is very funny and has an infectious laugh!
21. She hates brushing her teeth.
22. Kate has a huge obsession with bandaids! She wears one everyday.
23. Kate loves to play with babies. She names them all Annie Rose (or Wose as she says).
24. Have I told you she loves Caillou?
25. Kate has such a sparkle in her eye and we thank God for her every day!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bloom Where You Are Planted
I have always loved the saying Bloom Where You are Planted, and I have decided that it is my mantra for 2009. In going with the thought that I am currently planted right where God would have me to be for this season of my life, I figure it is time that I get busy blooming. It is a new year, full of new possibilities, and I am excited to see where the months ahead will take me.
Some things I will be working on this year:
*I want to grow in my faith in God. I have come to the realization that if I truly believe in Him, the way that I say that I believe in Him, then many things about my life need to change. I am tired of the lip service that I am giving Christianity, and I am tired of feeling lukewarm. My Christian walk is like that of many others. It has had its ups and downs, its highs and lows. Times when I have actively sought to know God, and times when I have just gone through the motions. I'm not sure what feels different about my resolve to know Him more deeply this time. Perhaps it has something to do with having a very curious four year old who asks a lot of questions, and coming to the realization that I do not have many answers to give her on why our family does what it does. It is quite humbling to have your child put the purpose of your life into perspective.
*I want to be a better wife. I don't just want to grow old with Boss. I want to grow old happily in love with him, and him with me. Let's face it. Sadly, there are not many older couples today, that I know, who have marriages that I want to model ours after. I can count them on one hand. I want more than that. I want to be everything for Boss that God created me to be for him.
*I want to be a better mother. I have just finished reading The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, and I am so very inspired. It has become very real to me lately, that I only have this time set before me with my children (and I am not promised a single extra day!), and I want to make the most of it. I don't want to be too busy for them. I want them to know that being their mama is the most important job in the world to me.
*I want to be a better homemaker. I want my children (and all who enter my home) to find it to be a haven. I want to do more of the housework, so Boss can relax more. I want certain scents, foods, colors, to be etched in my children's minds, so that one day, when they are older, they can pull those thoughts to the front of their minds and be comforted.
*I want to take better care of myself. Last year, I lost a few pounds, but got off the band wagon after summer vacation. This year, I want to lose a few more. I want to feel healthier, eat healthier, and have more energy to do all of the other things that I want to do. I want to take better care of my mind, and focus more on the positive and what is before me right now. I want to take the time to continue to develop my tastes and my likes. Sometimes I see mama's get so lost in their families, that they forget who they are as an individual.
These are some of the things that have been on my mind that I want to work on this year. I have so many more thoughts on each of these subjects, and I can't wait to write them all down in individual posts. I want to record where I am at the beginning of this year, so that I can see where I stand at the end of it. I am ready to bloom where I have been planted!
Some things I will be working on this year:
*I want to grow in my faith in God. I have come to the realization that if I truly believe in Him, the way that I say that I believe in Him, then many things about my life need to change. I am tired of the lip service that I am giving Christianity, and I am tired of feeling lukewarm. My Christian walk is like that of many others. It has had its ups and downs, its highs and lows. Times when I have actively sought to know God, and times when I have just gone through the motions. I'm not sure what feels different about my resolve to know Him more deeply this time. Perhaps it has something to do with having a very curious four year old who asks a lot of questions, and coming to the realization that I do not have many answers to give her on why our family does what it does. It is quite humbling to have your child put the purpose of your life into perspective.
*I want to be a better wife. I don't just want to grow old with Boss. I want to grow old happily in love with him, and him with me. Let's face it. Sadly, there are not many older couples today, that I know, who have marriages that I want to model ours after. I can count them on one hand. I want more than that. I want to be everything for Boss that God created me to be for him.
*I want to be a better mother. I have just finished reading The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, and I am so very inspired. It has become very real to me lately, that I only have this time set before me with my children (and I am not promised a single extra day!), and I want to make the most of it. I don't want to be too busy for them. I want them to know that being their mama is the most important job in the world to me.
*I want to be a better homemaker. I want my children (and all who enter my home) to find it to be a haven. I want to do more of the housework, so Boss can relax more. I want certain scents, foods, colors, to be etched in my children's minds, so that one day, when they are older, they can pull those thoughts to the front of their minds and be comforted.
*I want to take better care of myself. Last year, I lost a few pounds, but got off the band wagon after summer vacation. This year, I want to lose a few more. I want to feel healthier, eat healthier, and have more energy to do all of the other things that I want to do. I want to take better care of my mind, and focus more on the positive and what is before me right now. I want to take the time to continue to develop my tastes and my likes. Sometimes I see mama's get so lost in their families, that they forget who they are as an individual.
These are some of the things that have been on my mind that I want to work on this year. I have so many more thoughts on each of these subjects, and I can't wait to write them all down in individual posts. I want to record where I am at the beginning of this year, so that I can see where I stand at the end of it. I am ready to bloom where I have been planted!

All About Me,
Thoughts from this Mama
Monday, January 12, 2009
A Birthday for Boss
I love the man I married. I really do. I can honestly say that after five and a half years of marriage, he still takes my breath away when he walks in to the room and gives me that look that is meant only for me. I still love his crooked grin and his hazel eyes. I love holding his hand and listening to him talk. I love watching him with our daughters. He is their prince! I love how patient he is with me. Let's face it. I am a complicated, high maintenance, high strung, worrier of a woman, and he loves me anyway. And he doesn't just say that he loves me. He shows me on a daily basis. He shows me he loves me when he never forgets to kiss me goodbye. He shows me he loves me when he does my laundry week after week, and even puts it away! He shows me he loves me in more ways than I could ever list here. Have I mentioned that I love this man?
This weekend we were able to get away and celebrate his 32nd birthday. It was so relaxing and wonderful. We stayed at the Cincinnati Westin Hotel downtown, and our room overlooked the outdoor skating rink. It was beautiful! Boss got a massage, we ate at two fancy restaurants, we watched 7 Pounds, and spent some time at Starbucks. Boss, I hope your birthday was just what you wanted it to be. I love you!
Would you please pray for my husband? I know that God has amazing plans for his life! He is so talented, hard working, honest, and loyal. And he has a true vision for the future. There will be some meetings over the next couple of weeks that will determine his career over the next couple of years, and I simply want the best for him.
Boss, you are my best friend. I would be lost without you. Thank you for ALWAYS listening to my dreams, from the biggest one down to the silly ones. Thank you for working so hard, so that I can stay home. Thank you for handling the finances, so that our family is prepared for the future. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for choosing me. I love you.
This weekend we were able to get away and celebrate his 32nd birthday. It was so relaxing and wonderful. We stayed at the Cincinnati Westin Hotel downtown, and our room overlooked the outdoor skating rink. It was beautiful! Boss got a massage, we ate at two fancy restaurants, we watched 7 Pounds, and spent some time at Starbucks. Boss, I hope your birthday was just what you wanted it to be. I love you!
Would you please pray for my husband? I know that God has amazing plans for his life! He is so talented, hard working, honest, and loyal. And he has a true vision for the future. There will be some meetings over the next couple of weeks that will determine his career over the next couple of years, and I simply want the best for him.
Boss, you are my best friend. I would be lost without you. Thank you for ALWAYS listening to my dreams, from the biggest one down to the silly ones. Thank you for working so hard, so that I can stay home. Thank you for handling the finances, so that our family is prepared for the future. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for choosing me. I love you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, friends! I am a week behind already, but I just cannot believe that it is already 2009. Wow! I cannot believe that I will celebrate my sixth wedding anniversary this year, nor can I believe that my little girls will be turning three and five in the summer. Where has the time gone?
I must say that 2008 was a really great year for our little family. For one thing, we resided at the same address for an entire year! That is a biggie for us wandering folk! And even better, is the fact that we don't have any plans to move this year either. Our little family is right where it belongs for the time being, and I can't tell you how good that feels.
Boss is continuing to love his job as Athletic Director of Village Christian School, and he is enjoying he first season as head boys basketball coach. They have had a pretty good season, so far! We are going to celebrate Boss' 32nd birthday this coming weekend, and I am really looking forward to getting away for some quality time together.
I am still loving being a full time mama and houseparent. I can't imagine doing anything else. Many of my goals for this new year revolve around becoming a better wife, mama, and homemaker, and I can't wait to share with you all that I have been thinking about.
Emma is now four and a half and is so grown up! She loves preschool and can't wait to go every day. She is learning to blend words together for reading and she is getting so good at writing the words that we spell for her. I am so impressed with how smart she is! She is still in dance, and she also loves drawing, playing Barbies, and helping me bake. Emma is a wonderful big sister, and I am so thankful for my biggest girl!
Kate is now two and a half, and that girl is a spitfire! She is talking up a storm, but she cannot pronounce her R's and I think it is so cute! She is sleeping in a big girl bed now (or not sleeping), and she loves sitting on the potty every day, but we are not potty trained, yet. Her sleep is improving. We have good weeks, and bad weeks, but I just keep telling myself that this too shall pass. Her favorite thing to play with is her baby dolls, and she names them all Claire or Annie Rose (or Wose, as she says). Kate is so funny and loving, and I love to spend my days with her.
We had a wonderful Christmas, and I am somewhat sad that it is over! My brother and his wife came to town, and we enjoyed a quiet family Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we had our traditional fettuccine dinner, and then mom read the Night Before Christmas, as she always does. We left cookies for Santa, and the girls were so excited to see what he had brought for them the next morning! They got a Rose Petal Cottage! So cute! My favorite present was a mama necklace from Boss, and some new books. Boss got an electric guitar, and I am so very proud to say that he has mastered his first song.....drum roll please.....London Bridges Falling Down! Go, baby! You are a rocker! We spent the next day with Boss' family and they spoiled us as usual! We rang in the new year with friends and some mad games of Wii Bowling. Where are the bumper lanes on that game? We had a wonderful holiday break, and I always love the magic that seems to surround this time of year.
Our adoption is now in full swing. It was such a long process to get our home study completed, and we almost lost heart a couple of times, but we are now back in the game. I think about our third baby several times a day, and I cannot wait to bring him or her home. I know that the road could still be a long one, but I am hopeful that we will be matched with a baby this year. We think we have an adoption path planned out, and I will share the details soon. I am learning as I get older that things really are better on God's time, and I can truly say that I am content to wait.
The Zickafoose family is really looking forward to 2009! Boss has some really great job opportunities, Emma will start Kindergarten, Kate will continue to grow and blossom every day, a hopeful adoption plan, and many birthday's and special moments that we are looking forward to this year. Thank you for continuing to follow our journey!
I must say that 2008 was a really great year for our little family. For one thing, we resided at the same address for an entire year! That is a biggie for us wandering folk! And even better, is the fact that we don't have any plans to move this year either. Our little family is right where it belongs for the time being, and I can't tell you how good that feels.
Boss is continuing to love his job as Athletic Director of Village Christian School, and he is enjoying he first season as head boys basketball coach. They have had a pretty good season, so far! We are going to celebrate Boss' 32nd birthday this coming weekend, and I am really looking forward to getting away for some quality time together.
I am still loving being a full time mama and houseparent. I can't imagine doing anything else. Many of my goals for this new year revolve around becoming a better wife, mama, and homemaker, and I can't wait to share with you all that I have been thinking about.
Emma is now four and a half and is so grown up! She loves preschool and can't wait to go every day. She is learning to blend words together for reading and she is getting so good at writing the words that we spell for her. I am so impressed with how smart she is! She is still in dance, and she also loves drawing, playing Barbies, and helping me bake. Emma is a wonderful big sister, and I am so thankful for my biggest girl!
Kate is now two and a half, and that girl is a spitfire! She is talking up a storm, but she cannot pronounce her R's and I think it is so cute! She is sleeping in a big girl bed now (or not sleeping), and she loves sitting on the potty every day, but we are not potty trained, yet. Her sleep is improving. We have good weeks, and bad weeks, but I just keep telling myself that this too shall pass. Her favorite thing to play with is her baby dolls, and she names them all Claire or Annie Rose (or Wose, as she says). Kate is so funny and loving, and I love to spend my days with her.
We had a wonderful Christmas, and I am somewhat sad that it is over! My brother and his wife came to town, and we enjoyed a quiet family Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we had our traditional fettuccine dinner, and then mom read the Night Before Christmas, as she always does. We left cookies for Santa, and the girls were so excited to see what he had brought for them the next morning! They got a Rose Petal Cottage! So cute! My favorite present was a mama necklace from Boss, and some new books. Boss got an electric guitar, and I am so very proud to say that he has mastered his first song.....drum roll please.....London Bridges Falling Down! Go, baby! You are a rocker! We spent the next day with Boss' family and they spoiled us as usual! We rang in the new year with friends and some mad games of Wii Bowling. Where are the bumper lanes on that game? We had a wonderful holiday break, and I always love the magic that seems to surround this time of year.
Our adoption is now in full swing. It was such a long process to get our home study completed, and we almost lost heart a couple of times, but we are now back in the game. I think about our third baby several times a day, and I cannot wait to bring him or her home. I know that the road could still be a long one, but I am hopeful that we will be matched with a baby this year. We think we have an adoption path planned out, and I will share the details soon. I am learning as I get older that things really are better on God's time, and I can truly say that I am content to wait.
The Zickafoose family is really looking forward to 2009! Boss has some really great job opportunities, Emma will start Kindergarten, Kate will continue to grow and blossom every day, a hopeful adoption plan, and many birthday's and special moments that we are looking forward to this year. Thank you for continuing to follow our journey!

Daily Life,
My Emma,
Sweet Kate
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