Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer's End

Change is in the air. I can feel it. The days not quite as hot, the sun not shining quite as long. Ben started back to work this week, so it is just the kids and I during the day. We have kept busy! There have been school clothes for the big kids to buy, back to school haircuts, back to school meetings, groceries to be bought, bike rides around the property, meals to be made, fresh fruit to be eaten. A house not getting cleaned, yet looking comfortably lived in.Long days. Good days. Soaking up the last that summer has to offer. Next week our fall scedule begins. School for the big kids, review work at home for our first grader. Earlier bedtimes. Routines. A slower pace.The older I have grown, the more I have come to appreciate God's special gift of change. Understanding that there is a time for every season under Heaven. Embracing each season as it comes our way, in weather or simply in life. There is growing to be done. Lessons to be learned. Life to be lived. Much to look forward to as we anticipate summer's end.

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