Yesterday, Boss had a birthday. His 34th, to be exact. This year he adopted my tradition of celebrating a birthday "week", so it is safe to say that he has been loved and celebrated well! The girls and I decided that we would do something special for him on each day of the week leading up to his birthday. One day we brought him lunch at the school. Another day we packed him a special lunch. Two different days we gifted him with small presents that he had been wanting, as well as tickets to see Rascal Flatts in concert in a couple of weeks. On Saturday, Boss and I went on a date, and we shopped at all kinds of man stores so that he could spend his Christmas and birthday gift cards. Yesterday, he took a day off of work, and he and I went to lunch, we had pizza and cake for supper (and the girls went all out decorating the table with streamers, confetti, poms, feathers, and personalized place mats), and then some lovely friends came over for a round of cards.... and Boss won! Ha! And that has not happened since the night that I went into labor with Jack. He just must be lucky on birthdays :). And then today, the weather man gifted Boss with a belated gift of a snow day, and after a breakfast out with a good friend and an afternoon nap, he has been pulling children around on their sleds and snow boards tied to the back of our golf cart all afternoon. Such complete fun!
Happy Birthday, Boss. I fall more in love with you every single year.