This year was Emma's fourth recital and Kate's second, and final, time to take the stage. My Buggey has decided that dancing is just not her thang. She does not enjoy anything about it, and she cried and cried when I dropped her off backstage the day of the performance. I did bribe her with chocolate and flowers if she would complete her final dance with a smile on her face, and since she will do just about anything for a little chocolate, her dance was a success :). But after her last bow, Kate kissed dancing goodbye. She now has her little heart set on being a soccer player and can't wait to join a team this fall. I love, love watching my children explore different likes and interests in their lives. So amazing how God creates each of us so uniquely! Because while dance is not for Kate, my Emma LOVES it! This year she got to have a lead role in her class' dance, and she did great! Definitely so proud of her! She did think about joining Dance Company this coming year, but we decided as a family that we were not quite ready to explore outside interests so heavily at this time. But we are definitely excited to see where dance takes her in the future! I love both of my daughters SO much and am SO in love with the little girls they are growing into.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Final Round of the Dancing Duo
This year was Emma's fourth recital and Kate's second, and final, time to take the stage. My Buggey has decided that dancing is just not her thang. She does not enjoy anything about it, and she cried and cried when I dropped her off backstage the day of the performance. I did bribe her with chocolate and flowers if she would complete her final dance with a smile on her face, and since she will do just about anything for a little chocolate, her dance was a success :). But after her last bow, Kate kissed dancing goodbye. She now has her little heart set on being a soccer player and can't wait to join a team this fall. I love, love watching my children explore different likes and interests in their lives. So amazing how God creates each of us so uniquely! Because while dance is not for Kate, my Emma LOVES it! This year she got to have a lead role in her class' dance, and she did great! Definitely so proud of her! She did think about joining Dance Company this coming year, but we decided as a family that we were not quite ready to explore outside interests so heavily at this time. But we are definitely excited to see where dance takes her in the future! I love both of my daughters SO much and am SO in love with the little girls they are growing into.

My Emma,
Sweet Kate
Monday, June 20, 2011
South Haven, Oh How I Love Thee
I heart South Haven. Seriously, I do. We discovered this charming little beach town last year (somewhat by accident) and I am so very glad that we did! My family LOVES trips to the beach. The sun, the waves, the bright colorful beach umbrellas, the fresh air, we love it all! Every year we try and take a family beach trip. The problem that we kept running into, however, was that most beaches are a ten to twelve hour drive from our home (not so fun with three small children!) and the weather there was always so very much hotter than we were used to, that we could only enjoy the water first thing in the morning or once the sun started to set in the evenings. Then we were left to fill countless hours (and spend lots of extra money) coming up with ways to entertain the children indoors for a week. We always had a good time seeing new things and spending time together, but we came home feeling a bit stressed out from the drive and exhausted from the heat.
So last summer I googled 'Lake Michigan Beach Towns' and an advertisement for South Haven popped up. I knew right away that we had to go there, and it was love at first sight. To us, it looks like a mini Malibu (and it is only a six hour drive from home!). There is a high cliff where all of the charming beach cottages sit looking down on the lake, the water is clean, cool, and fresh, the weather doesn't seem to climb much higher than the eighties, there are darling stores, cute ice cream shops, a quaint lighthouse, and gorgeous sunsets. We have hopes to visit there year after year, and my hope is that my children grow up with fond memories in their hearts about our trips to the beach.
This year we took my mom and dad along with us! We rented a cottage four houses from the water, and it was so charming! I fell in love. We enjoyed the water, lots of bike rides and walks to town, hiking, shopping, playing games, and just being together. It was so nice to just get away, turn the cell phones off, and be together. We all came home feeling refreshed. It was a wonderful, wonerful trip. So long, South Haven. See you next year!

Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Best That Ever Lived
My children are so very lucky that I am married to the very best dad that ever lived. I am pretty lucky too. When it comes to caring, guiding, and providing for our family, Boss does it all. Prays for his family? Check. Is wise with our finances? Check. Rises early? Check. Is hard working? Check. Does the laundry? Check. Raises and builds relationships with children who are not his own? Check. Spends as much time as he can each day with us? Check. Makes us laugh? Check. Fills our hearts with love? All. The. Time. Boss really is the very best dad that ever did live, and I hope that as his family, we strive to honor him not only on Father's Day, but on every day of the year. Because he deserves it.
I never want to give the impression to others that our life is perfect. It is pretty great during this particular season, yes, but it is far from perfect. We don't have it all together, we are not always happy, our marriage has had some pretty big bumps. But I have never had one doubt in my heart about what an awesome dad Boss is. Not one single doubt. I often think that out of the two of us, he is the better parent. Our daughters adore him. He is wonderful at showing them the love and affection that they need. Their eyes light up when he is near, and they are loved well. They are secure in his arms. And watching Boss with his son? My heart melts, and I find myself falling for him again and again. And he thought he only knew how to be a daddy to little girls. :)
Boss, I love you. Thank you for investing in our family like you do. Thank you for leading us and striving to make our lives happy and good. Our three kids are super lucky to call you daddy. And I am lucky to call you mine. Happy Father's Day!
(I wrote this post awhile ago, on Father's Day, right after we returned from South Haven to be exact, but never hit publish! So here you have it. A tribute to the very best dad that ever lived, who just happens to be my husband!)

Monday, June 13, 2011
For a month now, I have been away from the pages of this online journal of our lives. I suppose I have simply been busy living life and not finding the time to record all of the "Z" family happenings on the pages here. And there have been a lot of happenings. Mostly just ordinary things, nothing too extraordinary, unless you count each day as a gift, as I'm learning to do, and then all of those ordinary moments magically turn into extraordinary ones. And that makes this life of ours pretty awesome. In the past month we have finished up another school year for Boss, the big girls, and Emma (sidenote: My baby girl only missed three questions out of one hundred on her end of the year exam! Does she rock, or what?), Boss and I celebrated eight years of marrige, we attended Emma's fourth and Kate's second (and last) dance recital, and we are currently enjoying some much needed family time away at one of my most favorite places to visit on Earth. See those people in that picture up there? I love them. I love being with them. They make my heart happy. So updates on all of the current "Z" family happenings will soon come, but for now I am enoying being away with those that I love.

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